
Saturday, 26 September 2015

The Flooding in September 2015

Another lot of heavy rain saw some flooding in the Manawatu River, again.  This time it was only the river and flood plains affected, as the rain fell in the Ruahine Ranges, north of where we are.  The farm land around where we live was not affected at all.  

A sense of adventure stirred within me.  I drove to the road block at Opiki School...and drove through.  {don't worry, people live past the road block}  Just before the Opiki Bridge there is another road block which is where I stopped and parked the car.  We did see some people drive over the bridge to the water on the other side - I can't imagine why, but they did.

When we got out of the car we couldn't see any water as we were on the other side of the stop bank, but we could certainly hear the water.

We walked up the rise and onto the bridge
All the water to the left of the tips of the green trees is flood.  The river is to the right...somewhere under there!
Water for miles!
A view over the other side of the bridge
 After having a look from the edge of the bridge we went home for dinner.  

Because J951 was at home when we went to the river, and I knew he would LOVE to see it too, I went back with him, and Butterfly came with us.  It was just before sunset and the lighting was really nice for photos; J951 enjoys photography.

A rainbow reflecting in the flood waters.
The Opiki Swing Bridge.  Usually the ends are high above the river level.
Close up of the swing bridge
My sunset picture
Butterfly took this of me gazing at the sunset. I am standing in the middle of the road at the north end of the Opiki SH56 Bridge.
The following are J951's photos...
Stop bank in the foreground with the flood waters behind
This is where the sound of the water was coming from, as the river spilled over its banks into the channel between the river and the stop bank
The waters edge on SH56
The road descending into floodwaters 
Under the bridge

Wednesday, 23 September 2015

Our Home Education 2015

I have been home educating for 12 years now.  I still enjoy it as much now as when I started.  It is what I always wanted to do for my children, a desire that grew from when I was a little girl and family friends chose to educate their children at home.  

This thing called home education is fluid.  It changes.  I have educated through many changing circumstances - babies, toddlers, moving house (multiple times), and the biggy... children that change and grow!

Educating seven children means that the dynamics do not stay the same.  What I did in the early years just doesn't work now.  Our dynamics are just too different.  Part of me finds this a little sad.  I loved what we did, the older children and I, when they were little.  But as they have changed and moved onward and upward to different things I have learnt to adapt to the ways and interests of the younger ones.  

My year began with perfectly listed out plans and ideas which I pretty quickly found difficult to execute!  We muddled through keeping to the important subjects of Math and Language/Reading, and although none of my other wonderful ideas made it to the table the children found many other things to inspire learning.  

They do that - learn in spite of my efforts!

Still, I wanted to be a little more intentional.  That was when I discovered the idea of having a box for each day with a collection of learning resources.  Credit goes to my sister who showed me her brilliant idea!

These boxes are for the girls (ages 8 and 10)
These boxes are for the boys (ages 4 and 6)
The boys were very excited to open their box!  They both spent about an hour at the table playing with all the bits inside.  The funny thing is that they had access to all these things before, none of it is new.  

I am hoping that the fact they will only see each box once a week will mean they wont grow weary of the contents as quickly.  Also not being able to pick their "favourites" from a big box may mean they will find value in the activities they weren't initially attracted to.
Each box contains Math, Reading/Writing, Science and Geography resources
What to choose...
Handwriting numbers
Earth Day Bingo
Counting cards and a mirror = science discovery
Magnifying glass
Chalk board numbers and Sequencing blocks

The girls were pretty keen to see what goodies I had packed in their box.  
Each box contains Math, Reading/Writing, Science and Geography resources
Checking out word games
Testing each other on True/False Science questions
I am looking forward to this new dynamic in our home educating journey.  


Sunday, 20 September 2015


Recently we spent an evening with friends learning about The Feast of Trumpets.  It was really interesting and we had a lot of fun.
These 3 led us in a few songs.
The youngest children lit a candle each on the Menorah.  Each of the 7 candles are for the Seven Biblical Feast appointed by the Lord.
After dinner we all got to try blowing the Shofar.  It is a horn used on this festival to awaken the slumbering soul, a call to examine ourselves before the Lord.  This long curly one is from a Kudu antelope.
Butterfly blowing a smaller rams horn


Friday, 11 September 2015

Winter Flowers

Although winter can be dull and cold, there is still a touch of beauty to be enjoyed. 
These are holding on to their autumn flowering. 
My Calendula flowers bring a splash of orange to the barren winter garden.
My first winter bulbs have opened.  I just love the fragrance of these, and I go daily to my barrel of bulbs to drink in their sweet intoxicating scent.

Posting a bit it is now spring.


Arrow's Birthday

Today was Arrow's birthday.  He turned 6 years old.  He had a wonderful day and is now tucked up sleeping soundly dreaming of Lego no doubt!

We received our approval letter enabling us to home educate him 2 days ago...just in time to be sure he wasn't truant from school today!

His birthday had a Lego theme as he has recently discovered his big brothers Lego box and just loves to build with it EVERY. SINGLE. DAY!!  That's okay with me as I recently read an article by some notable person who said the Lego is good Math...sounds practically perfect to me!  

This cake creation was made by Butterfly for her little brother.  

We had so much fun playing Lego themed party games.
Pass-the-parcel lollipops with lego men faces.

Stick the face on the Lego man

Sucking Lego pieces onto a straw and putting them into a cup.

Make a Lego man craft.

Our Lego men homies

A homemade pinata made by J951 (note new name on the About Us page)

Lego tower build.  Roll a dice and take that number of Lego pieces to build the tallest tower.
(a sneaky math game - haha)

Lego Toss.  Toss 10 pieces of Lego into the rings and add up your score.
(another sneaky math game!)
Lego man photos.
Lego Blossom
Lego Crystal
Lego Birthday Boy
Lego Cedar
Lego Cousin E
Lego Cousin L
Lego Mummy (just so you can see how we did it)


I made these Lego plates and cups for the party table.
Happy Birthday our darling boy!
Love you so much. xoxo
Pizza and movie night with Daddy
