I like to record the things we do so this blog will be along those lines for now. I'm sure it will change as we go.
I hope extended family enjoy following our lives and connecting with us as they read. If you have happened upon this blog in some random fashion I hope you are inspired.
Just to clarify this point... I will not share our fail days and moments of weaknesses. We have those days and they don't need to be immortalised here!
I have decided to use alias's for my family on this blog.
You know me as Lorna, mother of seven children and wife of...
Mr V.
Our children's aliases pertain in some way to who they are. They will change as they grow too.
Angel is 19 years old. Her interests are writing, art, and cooking!
She is now studying Graphic Design.
J951 is 17 years old. He is a thinker, always examining and analyzing the things around him. He often comes up with ways to improve upon things, and is very good at building things from junk he finds! Imagine what he will do when he gets his hands on "real" materials and tools!
Formerly known as Eagle.
He has moved out of home and is gainfully employed.
Butterfly is 15 years old and brings the fun side of life to our family. Everywhere we go she makes a friend!
Blossom is 12 years old. She loves to help everyone, and wants to be a mummy. She is in a hurry to grow up, and the only left handed member of our family.
Crystal is 10 years old. She is quiet around people she doesn't know well and has quite the sense of humour.
Arrow is 7 years old. He is very independent, and physically daring.
Cedar is 6 years old, and he is so happy and contented!