
Sunday, 7 December 2014

December Day #6

Just a bit of fun.  Five children in a paddock of long grass!  They are not allowed in this paddock (water troughs and little know!), except for special circumstances with mum!  Today's special was just running through the long grass.  Usually it is to observe some nature thing or collect moss.

Ok, so this Saturday morning our angels were sitting on the piano holding a little song sheet of music - Mary's Song.
When the angel had told Mary she would have a baby, she went to visit her relative Elizabeth who was also pregnant with a child promised of God.  Mary sang a song of praise found in Luke 1:46-56.
We sing Christmas carols and other songs of praise too.  Our crafts today for our devotionals were...
A CD with little bits glued to it - Christmas-y things like "baby boy", stars, hearts, red boots (?), "love", a cross...
Music notes with things we praise God for.

Today our books were opened by Crystal and Blossom
The books are:
  • One Snowy Night, a sweet story about a gift unwanted which goes around a group of animal friends and eventually back to the original recipient in an unexpected way.
  • The Christmas Angels.  A counting book from 10 - 1.  (learning never really ends even when "formal" stuff is over!)

The girls opening the advent calendars together.

Today we also wrote Christmas cards.


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