
Tuesday, 23 December 2014

December Day #23

This morning our angels were perched up high on the fancy mirror in the lounge.  They are holding a picture of wise men.
I haven't noticed it before but no one went with the wise men from their place of origin, and once they got to Jerusalem and a big fuss ensued about some new baby king of the Jews no one actually followed the wise men on the final part of their journey from Jerusalem to Bethlehem either.  They didn't follow the crowd, they didn't succumb to other people's opinions, they set out on a quest to find the King of kings which they had read of in ancient writings. 
A challenge for us too.

We opened 3 books again today!
The books are:

  • The Three Trees.  A story about 3 trees with big dreams of being made into some things great.  A little disappointment for all 3 until they realise the significance of their destiny.
  • Frosty The Snowman.  Because it snows in the Northern Hemisphere!
  • A Shepherd's Whisper.  A slightly odd story about the shepherds discussing the meaning of the angels message.  

We had jelly again today.  I had made layered jelly yesterday when I made the broken glass jelly.  Just as yummy again today.

Cedar enjoying jelly.
Arrow devouring jelly.


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