
Wednesday, 28 September 2011

Spring has Sprung

You can tell spring has sprung around here because everything is busy!

This morning we watched two starlings building a nest in the huge Macrocarpa tree.  If you stop and think about it for just a minute… it is really marvellous that they know when, and where, and how, and with what materials to begin this seasonal ritual; God’s creative magnificence in action!  

We see all the pretty colours of spring emerging from their winter hide away: the smudge of green on the trees as their leaves bud and the dappled colours of the flowers in increasing amounts!  God sure loves to make a visual spectacular for us! 

                                                                                       All flowers from Lorna’s garden

My children have (figuratively) burst forth from their winter confinement and have been busy tidying up their bush huts and planting various things to beautify their little chosen spots…

...each one a secret little hideaway made very special by each owner (just like in my favourite children’s book by Shirley Hughes Sally’s Secret)

Friday, 23 September 2011

Eminence of Spring

The hint of blue sky behind the purple-gray clouds bringing light spring showers,
The soft green haze of new life smudged over the Willows,
The delicate pink blur imperceptibly appearing on bare brown winter twigs,
The staccato of orange amidst a sea of yellow daffodils,
Silvery puddles with flecks of golden sunlight,
The sweet songs of the birds on a still warm morning awakening me to this season;
Unfurling me, like a flower emerging, turning its head to the warmth and beauty of the new day.

~Lorna (my picture of spring)