
Friday, 23 September 2011

Eminence of Spring

The hint of blue sky behind the purple-gray clouds bringing light spring showers,
The soft green haze of new life smudged over the Willows,
The delicate pink blur imperceptibly appearing on bare brown winter twigs,
The staccato of orange amidst a sea of yellow daffodils,
Silvery puddles with flecks of golden sunlight,
The sweet songs of the birds on a still warm morning awakening me to this season;
Unfurling me, like a flower emerging, turning its head to the warmth and beauty of the new day.

~Lorna (my picture of spring)


  1. So nice to see your paw print in blogosphere.
    I'm looking forward to seeing where you go with this too;
    Your picture of spring is a ♥beautiful♥ beginning.

    blessings dear friend,
    Chelle :)
