
Friday, 1 April 2016

March Activities

Well, March was a pretty good month.  Summer made a hasty exit, and autumn has been preparing us for cooler weather to come.

Kite flying is a must-do activity for young ones.  The light breezes we have had, have been perfect for kites.
These kites are easy, fun and guarenteed to work even with little to no wind!
(Supermarket bags and string)
Run like the wind!
And a real kite too.  They loved it.
This boy LOVES his learning boxes.  He even asks to do them on the weekends.

My giant sunflowers were ready to harvest.  The boys had a great time getting all the seeds off the flower heads.  I have lots of seeds for next year and because you can only plant so many sunflowers the chickens and ducks enjoyed some seed treats.
Team work.
Cooking lunch.  Pretty girl.

For one of our Friday movie and pizza nights we were treated to wild goat meat and mozzarella pizza.  J951 recently went bow hunting and brought home a wild goat!  We have had roasted goat leg and this delicious pizza.  Not only was he the hunter, but also the cook!

My baby chickens are getting big now.  Titus Jnr on the left is the first to greet me at the gate.  Lily and Cuddles are very curious and love to eat from my hand.  Cuddles has no personal space and often tries to peck my teeth out!  So I have learnt not to smile at her too long!

I was given 3 new hens.  They are so, so cute.  They are Lavender Asian Langshan Bantams, tiny little ladies and so pretty.  I have named them Amethyst, Periwinkle, and Violet.  

March 17th is St. Patricks Day.  We are not particularly Irish, although I am sure we would both trace some family to Ireland if we tried.  However, we took the day to learn a little about St. Patrick and about Ireland.  As with all learning, food is a must if at all possible.  There is no better way to remember things than with food!
Our delicious Full Irish Breakfast.  I even found Irish sausages at the butcher!
The children filling up for the day ahead on breakfast.
We even had serviettes with shamrock napkin rings and a candle table centrepiece.
Often I find these 2 snuggled up together when I check on them before heading to bed.

Arrow found a survival book in the learning box one morning.  He decided, after flicking through the pages, that he would build a shelter.  Here it is...

Big enough for two.
"Campfire" with some furry friends.
 I was given some organic apples.  Sounds fancy doesn't it.  Really they are just regular old fashioned apples from someones back yard who didn't spray them or anything!
So I am busy stewing the big ones, and finely chopping the smallest and not so good ones for Apple Cider Vinegar making.

And meanwhile the children are eating a lot of apples when they get hungry...which seems to be often!


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