Whenever a visit to Wanganui is arranged, we try to fit as much as we can into the day! I have some very favourite spots in Wanganui and this is one of them.
It was lovely to be able to share it with Grandma.
Of course the first stop, when you have little people is the playground! This has always been a fun playground in my humble opinion, and is also where Mr V asked me if I would "go out with him".
Cedar swinging and chatting with Grandma |
Arrow on the playground |
After a little while Arrow's sense of adventure took over; he and Cedar headed down to the ever changing stream which winds it's way over the beach looking for the sea.
Walking along the stream |
We found a good spot with a partially built dam spanning the stream.
We all helped to find rocks and logs. |
Grandma and Blossom diligently worked on their side of the dam and successfully slowed the water flow. |
Crystal decided to build a replica of the blue-grey mud-stone cliffs which dominate the beach landscape here. Grandma had explained to her how the cliffs used to come much further out on the beach, but have eroded since she was a girl.
Crystal found some small pieces of Papa rock, as it is commonly called, and designed a beach scene. |
Arrow bored quickly of the dam, preferring to find rocks with which he made a horseshoe shape on the shore
Heading on down stream the children were drawn to the large boulders at the foot of the cliffs but we moved on fairly quickly.
Near the mouth of the stream is an old army fort which used to sit on top of the cliffs as a lookout for ships during WW2. When I was a girl I was able to walk inside the concrete structure. Now it is almost completely submerged.
A quick paddle in the surf. Not so safe here as there are rocks hiding under the receding tide.
My four in the shallows! |
I was hoping to explore the rock pools, but the tide was high and only just beginning to go out so the pools were not visible when we were there. We did go for a walk to the large section of cliff that sits on the beach in rather a beautiful solitary position.
We managed to stop and look at the tiny muscles on the rocks between sets of waves. |
Up to this point the weather had been perfect for a day at the beach; no wind and slightly overcast. Now the wind had picked up a little so out came the shopping bag kites!
Blossom, Crystal, and Cedar flying their kites. |
Arrow is too worn out from adventuring to stand up for his kite flying! |
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