
Friday, 27 March 2015

Wild Black Berry Picking

Along the railway line near where we live there are some really large black berry patches.  These are frequented by the locals so we didn't go to those!

Carefully as she goes.
We found some other smaller bushes along a less populated stretch of track that were full of ripe berries!  

***Essential to safe berry picking you need gumboots, long pants, long sleeve tops, a large stick and a sense of adventure.***

Blossom helping Cedar.  
Little buddies scoping out a big bunch of berries.
Very industrious big girls.

In the midst of a huge blackberry berries in sight though.
Surrounded by the prickly branches.
They found a hideout.
Coming out of the hideout.
Last search.
A moment together enjoying the fruits of their labour!
And this is the fruits of my labour...jam.  Jam recipe.


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