
Wednesday, 22 July 2015

Me On The Map

I recently found this neat idea on another blog, Counting Coconuts.  It is called Me On The Map, and it helps children to visualize where they live on this great planet of ours.  

It is a hard concept for little children to grasp with names of streets, cities, countries, and watching family members climb into planes destined for faraway places that must be up in the clouds somewhere; why else would they have to fly in a plane, right?  Just drive there like we do when we go places!

Me On The Map
On the front on each circle is a picture of where we live, each one zooming in to our actual place on the earth.  On the back of each circle are a few facts.

I had fun making this!  I LOVE my laminator.  


Tuesday, 21 July 2015

Maths Fun

This morning I dusted off my box of math manipulatives and games.  I've been a bit boring lately just using work books.  Arrow is not at all keen on pencils or book work so these will be his daily math for a while.  He LOVED it!  In fact he just asked me to get them out again this afternoon!  Awesome.  

Look at that "happy math" face!  Here is putting little peg legs on caterpillars.
Cedar joined in.
This simple activity covers fine motor skills, number recognition, counting skills, patterns, number sequencing...and FUN!
Blossom is my helper.  She is always looking for ways to serve; she likes to feel all grown up.  Here she is helping Cedar with his number recognition.
Crystal likes maths.  She attended a math program in the holidays which she enjoyed.  I showed her this puzzle game called Diamond Tens.  Each square joins together with another with their adjacent numbers adding to ten.  It really is much more fun doing it this way than writing it in a book!

Angel's Birthday

She turned 17.
All together.
Cake made by Butterfly.
It is a camera, as Angel is quite a keen novice photographer.
Happy Birthday sweetie!
We Love You!


Monday, 20 July 2015

Holidays in July

I haven't often taken the school holidays off, as we have such a relaxed term time anyway.  But these holidays we took the 2 weeks off.  It reminded me why I don't like to do that actually, but anyway that is another story!

Crystal attended a Math Fun Day run at our local library.  She really enjoyed it!  Isn't that super!  
Here she is getting her certificate of participation

We decided to take the children back to the ice rink to try out the ice night.

Cedar and Butterfly
Cedar and Arrow

 On one particular day the girls decided the princesses wanted to go swimming.  I have a small problem with naked Barbie dolls in my house, so Butterfly had the genius idea to make swimming costumes...out of balloons!  So clever, is my girl! 
The girls taking a dip in the big yellow pool!
And hanging out pool side together.

 The girls inspired by the movie Brave, and Eagle inspired by the book series The Rangers Apprentice have all been doing archery.
Eagle with his new Apache bow and the quiver he made.
Being too little to shoot the big bows didn't deter Arrow!

This is one way to occupy a boy on a wintery day!  Mop the floor and give him a towel to scoot around on.  Good co-ordination activity!


Tuesday, 7 July 2015

Butterfly's Belated Birthday

Somewhat late, we finally organised Butterfly's party for her 13th birthday.  She decided to go to our local pool with some friends to celebrate.

Here she is with the birthday cake she made herself.  Cat silhouettes in a sunset.
Friends, siblings, and friends siblings!
Food after the fun.
She had all the fun she had hoped for with a lovely bunch of friends.

Happy Birthday sweetie!
We Love You!


Friday, 3 July 2015

Ice Skating!

The Outdoor Ice Rink is in our city again this winter.  Our home educating group booked a session which we went along to.  

This time was the little boys first time ice skating.  They managed fairly well.  We had the use of Bobby-The-Seal aids which was a HUGE help!
Cedar riding Bobby-The-Seal.
Eagle and his friend behind.
Arrow riding Bobby-The-Seal
Arrow helps to push Cedar, meeting up with Cousin E.
Brothers and Cousins.
Crystal takes a turn at pushing her brother.
Cedar will tell you he loves his big brother!  He goes WAY faster than Mummy!
The girls were all independent on their skates this year. 
Blossom skating with her friend
Butterfly on left and Blossom racing down the ice
Butterfly and her friend
And me, not holding on to Bobby-The-Seal!  Actually I can ice skate okay.

Thursday, 2 July 2015


A few happenings in June other than history and floods.

Butterfly really enjoys decorating cakes

We welcomed Cupcake to our furry animal collection.  Lilac, our other guinea pig, was lonely after her mother passed away.  Now she has a little friend.

No snow?  Plenty of pumpkins around!!

Butterfly made this lovely tealight lantern from a mason jar and tissue paper.

A winter evening treat!
Home made hot chocolate, marshmallows and candy cane stirrers.

A beautiful sunset.
(Photo by Butterfly)
